About the ‘List of Refugee Deaths’, Conditions to use the list


In the ‘‘UNITED List of Refugee Deaths’(download pdf), UNITED has been collecting reliable data on refugee deaths related to Fortress Europe since 1993. In the period 1993-2024 at least 60.620 documented refugee deaths can be attributed to the ‘Fatal Policies of Fortress Europe’. Ten thousands more are never found.

The list summarises information on where, when, and under which circumstances they died. On all death cases, further documentation is kept in the archive. The data are collected through own research, information received from the 550 network organisations in 48 countries and from local experts, journalists, and researchers in the field of migration. Compiled in the ‘UNITED List of Refugee Deaths’ they add up to an impressive listing and a strong campaign statement: No More Deaths – Time For Change!

An updated list is annually published in the first week of June.
For researchers and media, a more detailed and searchable list (xls format) is available on request.

Conditions to use the ‘UNITED List of Refugee Deaths’:

The use of our ‘UNITED List of Refugee Deaths’ is free of copyrights (for artwork, activism, media, research, etc) provided:
– UNITED is contacted in advance (listofdeaths@unitedagainstracism.org) to obtain formal approval (which we usually give, but of course, we want and need to know what happens with our UNITED List of Refugee Deaths and be involved somewhat in the plans or activity)
– we are kept informed, like by sending us good pictures of the actions that we may publish, any material, invitation leaflets and press clippings, suggestions and corrections, etc.
– we receive preferably some free copies of printed material produced by post
– In case of project funding is sought for any action based on the List, please also budget an amount for the list research and updates by UNITED.
– If possible: a UNITED representative is invited to the (opening) action or event

Donations are very welcome to make it possible to keep on working on the list
In order to continue this work in the next years we need to find around 500 people in Europe to contribute monthly 4 euro… (the value of a cup of coffee)
On Paypal you can set a regular small contribution


– UNITED is mentioned clearly as a source of the List of Refugee Deaths.

Minimal mention: “UNITED for Intercultural Action – campaign ‘Fortress Europe No More Deaths’
unitedagainstrefugeedeaths.eu – listofdeaths@unitedagainstracism.org
Preferably with our UNITED logo on all printed and online material
See for full details below.

How to Mention UNITED

– Campaign contact data if needed for any supporting publication/ media release:
UNITED for Intercultural Action – European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees
Campaign Office ‘Fatal Policies of Fortress Europe’
Postbus 413 • NL-1000 AK Amsterdam • Netherlands
phone +31-6-48808808
Facebook UNITED Against Refugee Deaths
Instagram unitedlistofdeath

If appropriate you may mention Geert Ates as contact person (campaign coordinator and Director UNITED Amsterdam office) +31-6-48808808
General campaign info: unitedagainstrefugeedeaths.eu/about-the-campaign/fortress-europe-death-by-policy
Should you have any more questions, please contact us.